Important Update

Dear Crane Yard Clay Customers,


Those of us at Crane Yard Clay have enjoyed working with you for the past twelve years.  Sharing your ideas, creative spirit, and passion for ceramics has enriched our lives.

 Belger Arts has decided to refocus energies and resources in another way moving forward.  Crane Yard Clay will cease operations, giving space for the core mission of Belger Arts to develop in other ways.

 We will cease taking new orders effective immediately and will be contacting you individually to let you know where we are with existing customer orders.  We will let you know if your order is in process to be delivered, or if you will be issued a refund.  Outstanding vendor invoices will be resolved as well. 

 Meanwhile, we will be selling existing inventory and supplies until they are gone, so please drop by and see if we have something you might want.

 We want this to be a smooth transition for you, so please contact us at 816-842-1999 or if you have questions.  In our area, the closest and largest ceramics supply company is Bracker’s Good Earth Clays. Their website is and their phone number is 888.822.1982.


Thank you for your past business and support.

 Crane Yard Clay